Pianos/Keyboard Instruments
The Music Program has 16 grand pianos including two Steinway 9-foot concert grands. Every classroom is equipped with a grand piano and piano students have access to these instruments for practice whenever the rooms are not in use. In addition, all the practice rooms have either an upright piano or a baby grand. Finally, we have a piano class lab with 26 electronic pianos.
In addition to the pianos, we have 2 harpsichords (a Flemish single manual and a French double manual), a compact Baroque style tracker organ, and a Hauptwerk “virtual” organ.
Band/Orchestral/Percussion Instruments
The Music Program has a large collection of all band and orchestral instruments that are available for loan to students participating in music classes. In addition to substantial numbers of beginning-level instruments (used in Beginning Instrument classes and Music Education Methods courses), we have a good collection of professional-quality instruments including instruments that students often don’t own (bass clarinets, english horns, and contrabassoons, for example) as well as over a dozen excellent string instruments, including a full quartet of instruments made by Marino Capicchioni.
Humboldt’s collection of percussion instruments is extensive, including all the standard orchestra percussion, several drum sets, and a full band’s worth of steel pans.
Students participating in Music Program Ensembles, lessons, and performance-oriented classes may borrow instruments for no charge during the school year (and for a very minimal fee during the winter and summer breaks).